Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wear and Tear - day 20

Less than 100 km to Santiago! 

Here is south-facing hand. You can see the deep brown on the top of my hand the faces up while I walk and the white stripe where my hiking pole strap is.  

My feet actually look pretty good now. No blisters just calluses where the blisters were. 

My pack is holding up nicely. Looks grimier in real life than it does in this picture. 

Here's I am hiking - note the pink flip flops hanging off the pack.

Today was more deep green hiking with lots of small family dairy farms. Both brown cows and black and white.

Lots of water and streams

There were quite few places where the Camino was like a stream with a rock bridge along the side to walk on.

Surprise of the day

And finally a 3rd installation in my international bathroom series.

So we walked around 20km today from San Mamede to Mercadoiros- both tiny towns with great private albergues.


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